


发生了什么:国会在地方援助问题上僵持不下. 一个大城市反对法官关于短期租赁的命令. 2020年人口普查的回答也没有变得不重要.

WHAT IT MEANS: There’s a common denominator of local authority in these stories, 我们将在下面的公告中详细说明. Cities and towns are working hard against a variety of factors to continue providing the services their residents and businesses expect. Indeed, 从上次经济衰退中我们已经知道市政当局, 哪些因素在经济中起着如此重要的作用, 对整体复苏至关重要.

ON TAP: We just mentioned the 2020 Census – there’s not much time left, even as 一名联邦法官刚刚采取了额外行动 to keep headcount efforts alive as the previously scheduled deadline of Sept. 30 looms. 每次人口普查答复每人每年花费1823美元.  

THE SKINNY: It’s been a turbulent year of unexpected challenges that just seem to compound one another, but we’re so fortunate to have your leadership and diligence as we work toward resolutions – which do carry optimism. 请继续阅读以了解详细信息. 

​A 《365体育足彩》本周专栏 urging a vigorous improvement in 2020 Census participation starts off by quoting the League on how high the stakes are – “A census response brings $1,823 per person, per year, 用联邦和州政府的资金还给N.C. 县和镇……. 一项不完整的统计使这笔资金处于危险之中.” The League and its county and state partners have been pushing this message firmly throughout the year, but North Carolina is on track for an unfortunate undercount as the 2020 Census winds down. 该评论还引用了N.C. Department of Administration Secretary Machelle Sanders calling the census “one of the building blocks of our democracy…. 没有充分的参与, we’re risking losing billions of dollars a year in funding for our communities. We are eager to increase our participation and make sure everyone in North Carolina counts.” Local leaders should continue communicating with their communities to urge participation, 这直接符合他们的利益. 人口普查是快速和容易完成的. 请查看我们的资源页面 在努力中提供帮助.

​Partisan disagreements on a spending figure for aid remain in Congress as cities and towns continue their push for a direct infusion of funding that won’t get lost or tied up in strict filtering or optional sharing from state or county governments. But as Roll Call reports this week, the Trump administration “is willing to consider another $1.为美国提供5万亿美元的救助.S. economy and health care system … including more aid to state and local governments….” The publication cites former North Carolina congressman and current White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows for that information. Meadows said that price tag was higher than Republicans were comfortable with but was “not a showstopper at this point.他说,他对达成协议持乐观态度, 尽管众议院议长南希·佩洛西寻求更高的总数. Direct aid to state and local governments is reportedly one of the biggest pieces of disagreement; a bipartisan caucus called the Problem Solvers targeted a $500 billion infusion, while Republicans and Democrats have targeted figures well below and above that, respectively. 《365足彩下载》报道更多细节.

一名法官批准威尔明顿市暂缓执行一项 order that would have repealed the city’s ordinance on whole-house short-term rentals in residential and historic districts. 本周早些时候, the same judge had ruled that the ordinance violated state law blocking cities and towns from requiring rental permits as such, 据当地新闻频道WWAY报道. But, on Thursday, 法官批准了市政府的暂缓申请, which is effective immediately and until the appellate process is complete,威尔明顿市通讯办公室在一封电子邮件中写道. 与此同时, the City will continue to accept registration applications for homestays and whole house rentals in the same manner that as it has since the ordinance was initially adopted.“该市上诉的命令引用了一项法规 160A-424(c) -这与市政权力和出租财产有关. 威尔明顿的《365足彩下载》 有更多的报道吗.​

​September marks the first month that municipalities are required to report to the N.C. 流行病恢复办公室(NC PRO) 他们的冠状病毒救援基金(CRF)资金的支出. Reports are due on the 20th of every month; because the 20th falls on a Sunday in September, if municipalities have not submitted their required reports to their county already for county submission to NC PRO, 他们应该不迟于下周一这样做, Sept. 21.

因为这是市政当局报告的第一个月, 市政当局应在7月提交, August and September reports encompassing any expenditure of CRF funds on eligible expenses incurred since March 1. A municipality’s July report should include expenditures from March 1-June 30. The August and September reports should cover expenditures in July and August, respectively.

In advance of municipalities’ first reporting deadline, the League and the N.C. Association of County Commissioners co-hosted two calls with representatives from NC PRO this week. (查看这些电话的幻灯片.) Information on a wide variety of topics regarding both eligible expenses and reporting procedures can be found in the 最新版本的CRF常见问题解答 由NC PRO组装. 如果您对这些主题有任何其他问题,请 365足彩下载研究主任 & 战略倡议克里斯·奈达.

​The Town of Norman in Richmond County encountered a budget crisis earlier this year when the county changed its method of distributing sales tax revenue, 从形势上看,镇子的主要预算来源都被摧毁了. Now, 该镇政府正在考虑自愿中止其特许状, 据里士满县日报报道, 当地报纸. Previously, 该县按人均分配资金给各市, 为诺曼的预算提供资金. But the county’s board of commissioners earlier this year voted to shift that formula over to an ad valorem basis, 这对小镇来说不可行吗. 诺曼的情况有点独特, but municipalities across the state have had standing concerns with how state law allows for sudden changes in sales tax revenue distribution as such. One of the 北卡罗来纳州城镇设定的倡导目标 ahead of the past legislative biennium was to seek a change in law to alter the current statues governing distribution of local sales taxes by requiring a one-year delay in implementation when a county or the legislature changes its method of distributing sales tax revenue. 语言的这种精神出现在 2019年众议院市政综合法案. While it passed the House unanimously, the bill did not advance in the Senate.
